Introduction of the reactor facility’s equipment complex diagnostics system (KSD RF) continues within the implementation of the measures of the Complex (Consolidated) Safety Upgrade Program (CCSUP) at unit 2 of Za...

At the end of February 2018, the acceptance testing of the accident and post-accident monitoring system (PAMS) for unit 2 of Rivne NPP was carried out at the site of PJSC “SRPA “Impulse”.


On 20-21 February 2018, the handover-acceptance testing of the equipment of the lower level of the process information system (IVS) for unit № 4 of Zaporizhzhya NPP was carried out at the site of PJSC “SRPA &ldq...

On 29-30 January 2018, the handover-acceptance testing of the neutron flux monitoring systems (AKNP-IF) for units № 4, 5 of Zaporizhzhya NPP was carried out at the site of PJSC “SRPA “Impulse”, the s...

PJSC “SRPA “Impulse” has successfully passed the management system audit and has implemented the environmental management system, the labor health and safety management system, as well as the information security management system in accordance with the requirements of the standards DSTU ISO 14001:...

SRPA “Impulse” is a leading Ukrainian designer, manufacturer, and supplier of highly-reliable instrumentation and control systems for nuclear power engineering and railways.
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